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BusWhere APP

WeeTramz is proud to partner with BusWhere, a well-known bus tracking application that provides our customers with instant information on the location of our vehicles as well
as the ETA for every stop. You will know exactly when to expect your vehicle and your smartphone will receive updates if anything changes. Set up is easy with your confidential username and password. Call us for more information.


1. Reduced wait time. No more standing out in bad weather and wondering “where’s my ride?” What parent hasn’t felt the pressure during the morning school rush, zipping backpacks, racing to the pickup location only to wait, wait and wait some more? Bus tracking tells you exactly when your vehicle will arrive so you can reduce the stress in your morning rush and make better use of your time.

2. Safe waiting. Group stops are generally near heavily trafficked areas. The major way to make the stop safer is by reducing the time your children wait for a vehicle.

3. Notifications. Schools will have an easy way to notify parents of any changes or incidents such as delayed departure or a flat tire. What about early dismissals? Late starts? One click allows the school to keep parents informed. Administrators can send messages even from their cell phones.

4. GPS. Who does not use GPS these days? It has become a part of our daily lives. BusWhere has a 5 second refresh for a real-time experience.

Download the BusWhere app and know where your child is and when they will arrive at any stop. You can download the app now to use on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device.

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